APLA Health & Wellness and The Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF)

Consolidated Statement of Activities
Year Ended June 30, 2019 With Summarized Totals for the Year Ended June 30, 2018

Without Donor
With Donor
Total 2018 Total
Revenues and Other Support
Fundraising events $1,437,269 $ - $1,437,269 $1,482,329
Cost of direct donor benefits (441,011) - (441,011) (518,163)
Net fundraising events 996,258 - 996,258 964,166
Contribution revenue 2,061,466 2,275,260 4,336,726 5,239,670
Grant revenue 14,029,514 - 14,029,514 14,017,329
Net patient service revenue 27,971, 550 - 27,971,550 11,502,241
Medi-Cal waiver revenue 1,972,490 - 1,972,490 1,843,825
Contributed good and services 1,549,812 - 1,549,812 1,789,370
Other revenue 570,619 - 570,691 564, 785
Investment return, net 65,081 220,228 285,309 271,488
Net assets released from restrictions 1,471,980 (1,471,980) - -
Total Revenue and Other Support $50,688,770 $1,023,508 $51,712,278 $36,192,874
Client support $5,136,274 $ - $5,136,274 $4,362,825
Education 6,982,991 - 6,982,991 7,142,219
Clinical services 27,071,222 - 27,071,222 15,344,142
Government affairs 509,958 - 509,958 550,831
Total program services 39,700,445 - 39,700,445 27,400,017
Management and general 3,596,882 - 3,596,882 3,555,264
Fundraising 1,834,713 - 1,834,713 1,631,665
Total Expenses $45,132,040 $ - $45,132,040 $32,586,946
Changes in Net Assets 5,556,730 1,023,508 6,580,238 3,605,928
Net Assets, Beginning of Year 10,179,630 3,698,153 13,877,783 10,271,855
Net Assets, End of Year $15,736,36 $4,721,661 $20,458,021 $13,877,783

Please click on chart below to see percentages.

Revenues and Other Support


APLA Health & Wellness and The Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF)

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Year Ended June 30, 2019 With Summarized Totals for the Year Ended June 30, 2018

Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions Total 2018 Total
Cash and cash equivalents $7,821,440 $1,263,259 $9,084,699 $4,085,178
Investments 2,379,909 - 2,379,909 1,829,411
Term endowment - 2,571,269 2,571,269 2,507,507
Accounts receivable, net 3,762,154 - 3,762,154 2,714,281
Medi-Cal waiver receivable 416,880 - 416,880 952,769
Grants receivable 2,180,460 - 2,180,460 2,080,598
Contributions receivable 254,983 870,676 1,125,659 989,224
Prepaid expenses and other assets 343,065 - 343,065 212,345
Deposits 132,504 - 132,504 147,066
Inventories 201,971 - 201,971 128,566
Split interest agreements - 16,457 16,457 18,160
Property and equipment, net 3,433,540 - 3,433,540 2,259,946
Total Assets $20,926,906 $4,721,661 $25,648,567 $17,925,051
Liabilities and Net Assets
Current Libilities:
Accounts payable $2,331,762 $- $2,331,762 $1,247,744
Accrued expenses 1,479,316 - 1,479,316 1,060,541
Deferred revenue 969,978 - 969,978 1,309,493
Notes payable 409,490 - 409,490 429,490
Total Liabilities 5,190,546 - 5,190,546 4,047,268
Net Assets:
Without donor restrtictions
Undesignated 11,339,458 - 11,339,458 7,272,162
Board designated 4,396,902 - 4,396,902 2,907,468
With donor restrictions - 4,721,661 4,721,661 3,698,153
Total Net Assets 15,736,369 4,721,661 20,458,021 13,877,783
Total Liabilities and Net Assets $20,926,906 $4,721,661 $25,648,567 $17,925,051

Audited consolidated statement of financial position of APLA Health & Wellness and The Global Forum of MSM & HIV (MPact) [June 30, 2019]

APLA Health is a careful steward of the gifts entrusted to us. We spend wisely to maximize our community impact, minimize overhead, and prepare for the future and the needs of those we service. We are grateful for your generosity.

For a complete copy of our financial positions, audited by BKD, LLP, please visit